The Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy is proud to announce the development of the prestigious Fellow designation. The Fellow designation signifies an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of endoscopy and provided significant support to SIED.
On the appointment of Fellows of the SIED
The designation of Fellows by the Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy aims to recognize people who have made significant contributions to the Society, in the scientific field of endoscopy practice, in the field of digestive endoscopy research, in the field of education or for their active societal participation.
Special emphasis will be placed on the quality and breadth of the contribution to gastrointestinal endoscopy, taking into account the following elements, without these being mandatory.
- Being a member of a SIED member society with at least 5 years of seniority in it.
- In cases of high contribution to the SIED, doctors from the Americas or from other countries may be admitted.
- Must have outstanding performance in at least one of the following areas
1.- Outstanding performance in the practice of Digestive Endoscopy
2.- Outstanding performance in Digestive Endoscopy research
3.- Outstanding performance in education in Digestive Endoscopy
4.- Outstanding corporate performance in your local society and/or in the SIED, specifically valuing your performance in the Inter-American Society of Digestive Endoscopy
The Executive Committee will have the power to designate the fellows during their two-year term.
The distinction will be awarded to those appointed in solemn session during the Inter-American Congress of Digestive Endoscopy
You will receive from the Authorities a medal and diploma that certify your distinction.
He will also have the power to use the designation “FSIED” next to his name.
The FSIED designation will be for life.
Here is the list of SIED fellows:
- Dr. Asadur Tchekmedyian
- Dr. Fernando Fluxá
- Dr. Claudio Iglesias
- Dr. Fernando Acosta
- Dr. Julio Pereira Lima
- Dr. Luis Caro
- Dr. Iyer Prasad
- Dr. Jorge Orillac
- Dr. Celso Ardengh
- Dra. Mirtha Infante
- Dr. Juan Miguel Abdo
- Dr. Enrique Paredes
- Dr. David Zagalsky
- Dr. Hernando González
- Dr. Carlos Robles Jara
- Dr. Carlos Baubet
- Dr. Carlos Eduardo Olivera Dos Santos
- Dr. Cecilio Cerisoli
- Dr. Juan Combe
- Dra. Robin Mendelssohn
- Dr. Álvaro Piazze
- Dr. Carlos Robles Medranda
- Dr. Roque Sáenz
- Dr. Carmelo Blasco
- Dr. Fabián Emura
- Dr. Paulo Sakai
- Dr. Eduardo de Moura
- Dr. Claudio Navarret